- HUMAN Diagnostics Worldwide
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- Molecular DX
- DNA Extraction
Procedure for Ultra Rapid Extraction
Especially designed to facilitate the application of LAMP technology in remote settings, Procedure for Ultra Rapid Extraction (PURE) is a fast, very easy to perform and efficient extraction methodology to obtain highly purified DNA from patient samples. After only five minutes heating pretreatment the lysed sample is transferred into the adsorbent tube containing adsorbent powder that removes all possible inhibitors of the LAMP reaction. The purified DNA is directly transferred into the LAMP reaction tube.
Sample transfer and lysis
PURE DNA extraction
DNA Extraction Kit
Loopamp™ PURE DNA Extraction Kit to extract DNA from blood with heparin, blood spots on filter paper or fresh blood samples. The kit allows for 90 extractions.
REF 970000
Accessories: Pipette-60
Pipette-60 set allows for the easy transfer of sputum samples. Each pipette comes with four boxes of special filter tips. The pipette has a fixed volume of 60 µl. Samples have to be transferred until the pipette is filled up to the white arrow.
Pipette-60 Set: 1 pipette, 4 x 96 filter tips
REF 971000