- HUMAN Diagnostics Worldwide
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- 50 Years HUMAN
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HUMAN Diagnostics Worldwide Customer Reviews

HUMAN and its partners offer versatile solutions, good service and support........ because satisfied customers are everything.
Supporting laboratories in meeting their daily challenges and thus contributing to the improvement of patient care is our mission. With a comprehensive product portfolio with German quality standards, we offer reliable solutions that meet a wide range of local requirements. Worldwide service and supply capacities as well as close cooperation with our long-standing distribution partners enable us to provide individual support to medical professionals in more than 160 countries. All this has made us a trusted global player in the IVD industry over the past half century.
Private clinic Kuca Zdravlja laboratory Humalab - Serbia
“What I appreciate about HUMAN is the quality of products, the immediate support and the well-educated HUMAN team. Since January 2019, we are using HumaStar 300SR. It is very precise and accurate and after three and a half years without
major services other than changing the lamp. We have also had a positive
experience with HumaClot Junior, it worked without any problems for 11 years.”
Dr. Jelica Vucovic - Head of the laboratory
Al-Mezan Hospital - Palestine
“We appreciate the reliability of HUMAN products since we have been using their products for more than five years. The most reliable haematology analyzers we
are using are from HUMAN. Thank you, HUMAN team.”
Jalal Alqam - Technician
Specialized Medical Lab - Palestine
“We have been using HUMAN products for more than seven years.
We like the quality of the products and the service and customer support.
The reagents are very good and the results are stable.
Keep your continuous support and happy 50th anniversary.”
Fida Tilakh - Technician
Al-Ahli Hospital - Palestine
“We trust in HUMAN Diagnostic full automated instruments and these units
have been installed in Al-Ahli hospital which is one of the biggest hospitals in
the country for more than seven years.We have been using HumaClot Pro, HumaCount 5D and Elisys DUO for more than six years.
We like the reliability of the products, the service and customer support.
Thank you HUMAN and happy 50th anniversary.”
Ahmad Saeed - Technician
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital - Pakistan
“HUMAN services and products are reliable, trustworthy and satisfactory. All instruments and reagents are of good quality and up to the market. We had a positive experience with HumaClot Pro as it is a very user friendly machine.”
Sardar Santokh - Chief Medical Lab Technologist
Lab, OSC Hospital - Myanmar
“We like HUMAN products which are dependable and can be operated for a long period than other brands. Since 2009, we have been using Humalyzer 3500, HumaClot Junior, Humareader HS, HumaMeter A1c and many adjustable
automatic pipettes. For customer services, the country representative team gave
full attention to our needs. Congratulations to you on this very big occasion and wishing you many more years of unparallel success.”
Thinzar Kyi Aung - Manager
Hospital Militar - Honduras
“We have been using HUMAN products since 1996, such as HumaStar 600,
HumaStar 300, HumaLyte, HumaClot Duo and Humalyzer 4000.
We like the quality and reliability of the products, as well as the technical support.”
Sarahi Palma Galo - Laboratory Head
Martinez Ponce - Honduras
“We like the quality, accuracy and stability of HUMAN products and equipments
and the satisfactory technical support. We have a positive experience with HumaCount 5D as it is very accurate.”
Joselyn Gaitan - Technician
Laboratorios Medicos - Honduras
“We appreciate the good reputation of the HUMAN brand, the quality of the products, efficient and timely technical service and the reliability and stability of equipment results.
We have been using HUMAN products, such as HumaClot Pro, HumaClot Junior, HumaClot Duo, HumaReader Single plus and Humalyzer 2000 for many years.”
Jahira Hernandez - Head of Coagulation area
Servicios Medicos F.M - Honduras
“What we like the most about HUMAN is the efficient technical support and the
fast response. We like also the stability and good quality of reagents.
We have a very good experience with HumaCount 5D, pediatric use,
which has a very stable and reliable results.”
Odali Aguilar - Laboratory Head
Déclic Santé Lab - Mali
“The best thing that happened was to trust HUMAN and equip the lab with HumaCLIA 150, HumaStar 100 and HumaCount 5D.
We are a Big Fan of HumaCLIA 150 due to the flexibility of this Instrument and
the cost saving in reagents compared to other systems on the ground.”
Dr. Karim Coulibaly - Director
Lions Eye Hospital - Bangladesh
“HUMAN equipments have an easy operating system and reagents are of
high quality which provides reliable results. We have been using HumaStar 200,
since July 2020. It has user-friendly features and accurate results.
We like the quality of the products and the great customer support of HUMAN”.
Meraj Uddin - Medical Technologist
NITOR - Bangladesh
“We like HUMAN products and services, the quality and reliability of the products
are very good. We are using HumaStar 600 and HumaClot Duo Plus since 2019.
We have a positive experience with HumaStar 600, it is a fully automated biochemistry analyzer and the results of the machine are very good”.
Dr. S. M. Masud – Associate Professor (Pathology)
Biomarker Research Laboratory, University of Ruhuna - Sri Lanka
“In our laboratory, we are using HumaStar 100 since 2016. During this period
we analyzed more than 10000 samples, and the machine performed very well
and produced reliable results. We conduct calibration checks and QC daily along
with regular maintenance of the analyzer. As we experienced, the customer
support of the authorized agent is readily available, friendly and helpful with
the timely delivery of reagents. According to our experience, the quality of
HUMAN products and customer support is very impressive. Reaching the 50th milestone in your venture to unravel new dimensions in clinical chemistry.
Your commitment and creativity can only be matched with an unquenchable thirst
for innovation. Surely, you will make the future better”.
Sameera Gunasekara - Researcher
Biocentro Laboratory - Guatemala
“I have been working with HumaStar 200 since a year ago and with HumaStar 300SR from May 2022. I appreciate the quality of the reagents and the technology of the equipment, which are even respectful of the environment.
And the support provided by Corporación Analyticos that makes my testing
work easier.”
Mercy Pérez, Head of Laboratory
Dr. Esnawan Antariksa Air Force Hospital - Indonesia
We are very satisfied with the products of the company HUMAN, we have been working with different products for two years. The good quality and good service from PT Sali on site (partner of HUMAN) make us very happy. We use the
HumaStar 300SR analyzer a lot, and we like the quality of the instrument and
the reagents.The interaction of the system reagents and the instrument is
perfectly harmonized.
Dr. Primatia Sulistianti - Head of Clinical Pathology Laborator