Supranational TB Reference Lab in Uganda receives first HumaLoop T instrument


Wiesbaden/Kampala, 21.01.2020 – HUMAN installed the first HumaLoop T instrument in the National TB Reference Lab (NTRL) and organized an user training for the upcoming pilot study.

Tuberculosis remains a major health problem in Uganda. In 2018, the number of new TB cases was about 86,000*, of which only about 1% were MDR-TB - a small number. However, since the number of cases detected has not really increased significantly (around 57,000*) there is a great need for new technologies to reliably detect more cases. One possibility to close the gap of missed cases, especially through microscopy, could be the introduction of TB-LAMP.

HUMAN supporting NTRL with a HumaLoop T

An official handover of a HumaLoop T device sponsored by HUMAN was held for Prof. Moses Joloba, Laboratory Director of the Supranational Reference Laboratory (SRLN) Uganda.  The SRLN assists National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) and National TB Programmes (NTPs) implement WHO policy guidance on TB diagnostics, diagnostic algorithms, and laboratory norms and standards using endorsed recording and reporting systems and other laboratory tools**.

“This is just an exciting moment for us, to add another great test in the field.” said Prof. Moses Joloba. “We are grateful to get the opportunity to use TB-LAMP in our laboratory. We, as the Supranational Reference Laboratory, are looking forward to improve the fight against TB.”

The device was installed directly in the laboratory by two service technicians from the HUMAN Diagnostics Uganda Ltd. team. The first samples have already been tested and more are to be tested in the next few weeks to show the advantages of the TB-LAMP method.



Handover of a HumaLoop T
to Prof. Moses Joloba



Installation of a HumaLoop T
device in the NTRL

TB-LAMP user training in preparation for the pilot phase

A first step to improve the TB detection situation in Uganda is the now starting pilot phase, in which 6 sites, located all over the country, will participate.  In this context, a TB-LAMP training took place from 6 to 7 January 2020 in the NTRL Kampala. There the users from the laboratories learned the handling and the necessary knowledge about TB-LAMP from three HUMAN trainers. The feedback of the participants was consistently positive - especially the simplicity of the application as well as the short time to result for up to 14 samples per run were very well appreciated.



The TB-LAMP solution, developed by HUMAN´s partner Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd., is a molecular method for the detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex. Its robustness, high sensitivity and ease of use makes LAMP an excellent and nearly failsafe solution to improve TB diagnostics in remote areas.Moreover, this system offers a higher throughput of samples in lesser time than existing technologies  (1-2 hrs for 14 samples, 56 samples/ day/equipment). In 2016, WHO* recommended that smear microscopy may be replaced by TB-LAMP. TB-LAMP is also included in the Global Drug Facility (GDF) catalog ( and in the list of WHO recommended diagnostic tool 2018.

For more information about TB-LAMP visit us at




TB-LAMP training in the NTRL

TB-LAMP training

Participants TB-LAMP training