Snibe Biossays 240 Plus or HumaStar 300SR - which clinical chemistry system to choose?

Choosing between the HumaStar 300SR and Snibe Biossays 240 Plus clinical chemistry analyzers hinges on various factors and the specific needs of your laboratory. To determine which option aligns better with your circumstances, it is crucial to consider the following key aspects:

Company HUMAN


Model HumaStar 300SR Biossays 240 Plus

Throughput max. tests/h

300 240
Reagent positions 40 90
Reagent cooling 13°C below RT 2 - 10°C
Sample positions 60 90
Sample barcode reader Internal Yes
Cuvettes 80 re-usable Bionex

80 optical plastic cuvettes, reusable

Water consumption (l/h) < 3 < 3

* All information is correct as of December 2023




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Throughput Efficiency

The efficiency of clinical chemistry analyzers is paramount for laboratories that handle varying sample volumes, and selecting a high-throughput analyzer is essential in high-volume testing environments. Matching throughput capacity to the specific needs of the laboratory is critical for optimal performance. In high-throughput environments, the ability to process a large number of tests in a given time frame is crucial to increase overall efficiency and ensure timely reporting of results.

  • HumaStar 300SR: Demonstrating a robust maximum throughput of 300 tests per hour, the HumaStar 300SR excels in high-volume testing environments.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Offers a slightly lower maximum throughput of 240 tests per hour, suitable for laboratories with moderate sample volumes.

Reagent Positions

The availability of reagent positions plays a critical role in supporting laboratories performing a wide range of tests. An increased number of positions not only allows for greater testing flexibility but also reduces the need for frequent reagent changes. This feature is particularly important for laboratories seeking efficiency and versatility in their testing processes. A higher number of reagent positions allows laboratories to accommodate a wide range of tests without the need for frequent reagent changes, improving workflow efficiency and reducing the risk of errors associated with reagent changes.

  • HumaStar 300SR: With 40 reagent positions, the HumaStar 300SR provides versatility in conducting a diverse range of tests, minimizing the need for frequent reagent changes.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Boasts an impressive 90 reagent positions, offering extensive flexibility in accommodating various tests without frequent reagent changes.

Reagent Cooling

Reagent stability is fundamental to the accuracy of clinical tests, and the use of reagent cooling mechanisms is essential, especially for tests that are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Maintaining reagents within specific temperature ranges ensures their integrity, contributing to accurate and reliable test results. Temperature-sensitive tests common in clinical chemistry require stable reagents for accurate and reliable results. Reagent cooling is a critical feature that ensures optimal temperatures are maintained, preserving reagent integrity throughout the testing process.

  • HumaStar 300SR: Ensures stable reagent temperatures at 13°C below room temperature, providing an optimal environment for preserving reagent integrity.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Built-in reagent cooling helps maintain stable reagent conditions for accurate and reliable test results.

Sample Positioning

Strategic sample positioning is essential for laboratories managing fluctuating sample volumes, and ensuring an adequate number of sample positions is essential to efficiently process all patient samples, mitigate the risk of sample backlogs, and maintain operational fluidity. A sufficient number of sample positions is essential to prevent bottlenecks in the testing process, especially in laboratories that manage fluctuating sample volumes. Efficient sample positioning not only reduces the risk of sample backlogs but also improves the overall workflow to ensure timely and accurate testing.

  • HumaStar 300SR: With a sample capacity of 60 positions, the HumaStar 300SR is suitable for laboratories managing higher sample volumes.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Offers an impressive 90 sample positions, making it well suited for laboratories with extensive sample processing needs.

Sample Barcode Readers

Increasing the integrity of the testing process is achieved through the integration of specimen barcode readers. These readers reduce the risk of sample mix-ups and ensure that results are accurately linked to the appropriate patients. This feature is especially critical for high-volume clinical laboratories, increasing overall testing accuracy and reliability. In high-throughput laboratories, integrating specimen barcode readers is a key strategy for minimizing the risk of errors. By accurately linking results to their corresponding patients, barcode readers contribute to the overall reliability and integrity of the testing process.

  • HumaStar 300SR: Equipped with an internal sample barcode reader to increase the accuracy of sample identification.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Includes a sample barcode reader, adding an extra layer of accuracy and traceability to the testing process.


The type and capacity of cuvettes used in clinical chemistry analyzers have a significant impact on consumable costs, the number of tests performed before cuvette replacement, and the overall environmental footprint. A nuanced understanding of cuvette configuration is critical to making informed decisions that balance cost effectiveness and operational efficiency. Cuvette selection has a direct impact on the operational costs and environmental impact of laboratory practices. Choosing reusable cuvettes over disposables not only reduces consumable costs but also minimizes waste. A well-thought-out cuvette configuration contributes to a more sustainable and cost-effective laboratory operation.

  • HumaStar 300SR: Uses 80 Bionex reusable cuvettes, contributing to increased cuvette capacity and cost-effective operation.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Uses 80 reusable optical plastic cuvettes, offering a different cuvette type that can impact cost considerations.

Water Consumption

Monitoring water consumption is emerging as a key aspect of responsible laboratory management. Controlling operating costs and minimizing environmental impact are achieved through strategies that reduce water consumption. Implementing measures to reduce water consumption not only results in cost savings but also aligns with the laboratory's sustainability efforts and contributes to a more environmentally conscious operation. Reducing water consumption is a proactive measure in laboratory sustainability that contributes to cost savings and environmental protection. This aligns with broader efforts to create greener laboratory practices and supports a responsible approach to resource management.

  • HumaStar 300SR: Features low water consumption of less than 3 liters per hour, contributing to cost efficiency and environmental sustainability.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Demonstrates a low water consumption rate of less than 3 liters per hour, improving operational cost efficiency.


  • HumaStar 300SR: Recognized for its high sample capacity, cost-effective use of re-usable Bionex cuvettes, and environmental sustainability focus.
  • Snibe Biossays 240 Plus: Offers a higher reagent position capacity, extensive sample positions, and a sample barcode reader, potentially catering to laboratories with diverse testing needs.

In conclusion, the choice between the HumaStar 300SR and Snibe Biossays 240 plus should be based on the specific priorities and requirements of your laboratory. Considerations include testing volume, the range of tests needed, water consumption, and the importance of features like sample barcode readers in your testing processes. The additional information provides insights into the specific strengths of each analyzer, facilitating a well-informed decision based on your laboratory's unique needs.